Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Convincing Parents Speech: T.V. In My Room


Mum and Dad I think it would be very sensible to let me have a T.V. in my room. I feel that I am not given any rights over my younger brother who is a whole 2 years younger than me. I also would be upset if I was not given any privileges over him. I come to a conclusion that it isn't fair and I also feel that you don't seem to notice that I don't get many rights over my 12 year old brother. It would be a nice gesture for you to allow me to have a T.V. in my room. I feel so underprivileged that I will even be inclined to pay my own money that I have earned for the T.V.


Mum and Dad it is very logical that I have a T.V. in my room as when it is early in the morning I don't have to get out of bed, walk down the stairs and turn on the T.V. there. If there is one in my room it would be much easier for me just to wake up turn it on and relax until I feel like going downstairs to get breakfast. Also if I have slept in and there is already someone downstairs watching T.V. then I will not get to watch what I want and will not get to relax the way I would be able to in my room. The T.V. in my room doesn't have to be expensive or big but it would save the family fights and make me feel more comfortable and relaxed in the mornings. There is lots of space in my room to fit the T.V. and it seems like that space is waiting to be filled up. So Mum and Dad and I think it would be a very good idea to have a T.V. in my room.


Mum and Dad since I am the eldest child in my family I think it would be necessary that I get rights over my younger sibling. I am 14 years old and should have a T.V. in my room. As I'm am a whole two years older than my sibling I need much more sleep and need to relax more thus having a T.V. in my room would help these very important causes. I have definitely proven my efforts through school and sport and should be rewarded in a appropriate way. I think the way I should be rewarded would be to get me a small T.V. in my room.

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