Monday, August 1, 2011

Donald Duck ''Der Fueherer's Face''

1) How are the Germans (and Japanese) portrayed in the opening sequence? How is irony created?
They are different builds fat, small and tall and they are also represented in a humorous way. It is ironic as they are singing they are saying how good and superior they are but they are shown in the video that they are clumsy and small.
2) How is propaganda and the effect of propaganda portrayed with the introduction of Donald Duck?
The Germans and the swastika's are found everywhere and everyone is saluting.
3) How is irony continued into the breakfast scene?
The Germans are big, fat and well feed whereas the Jews in the concentration camp are skinny and under fed.
4) How is Naxi Germany portrayed in the opening shot at 3:30?
A big evil place that is uninviting and hellish. This is shown by the dark blacks and the colour red used in the background as well as the geometrical shapes.
5) What is ironic about the song lyrics regarding work and what is happening in the scene?
It says they will never be slaved but Donald Duck is being forced with bayonets to do work.
6) What does the conveyor belt portray regarding the lifestyle of Germans?
They are always doing never ending work and this is proved when Donald Duck is told to go to work.
7) Why do you think that there aren't actually any people that force Donald to work? We only see the ends of bayonets and a speaker.
It shows they are above him, (more superior) puts more emphasis on Donald Duck and what he is doing as if there were more people we would be drawn to them more. Also by not showing their faces it helps us portray that everyone is hailing Hitler and working for him. 
8) What is ironic about the vacation?
It isn't a vacation and he is forced to do work.
9) In the dream sequence, how are the Germans portrayed? Why?
Weapons as they can boss everyone around as they are ''bigger'' than everyone.
10) What do the pajamas when we see Donald in his bed tell us?
Another person who is enslaved by the Germans and as a holocaust Jew.
11) What is the Statue of Liberty used to convey?
Free, he loves his country and is faithful.
12) How is Hilter portrayed at the end of the film? What is it about his face that is important?
A very serious and important person shown by his facial expression.
13) Why is this a representation of propaganda? Why is it actually ironic considering the way the Nazi's are portrayed?
The Nazi's are very serious and disciplined people this makes fun of Hitlers face and what it looks like.
14) Who are the villains, victims, and heroes?
The villains are the Germans, victims are Donald Duck and the heroes are the Americans.
15) How are the portrayed?
The Germans are made fun of in various ways, Donald Duck is a funny charismatic character and the hero is superior and stronger. 

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