Monday, August 8, 2011

Chapter 3 The Hopeless Case

1)Describe how Bruno and Gretel's relationship is introduced in the chapter.
They are brother and sister but it is evident as a younger brother to Gretel Bruno doesn't get along with her very well as Bruno states ''It would have made a lot more sense if they had left Gretel in Berlin to looks after the house because she is nothing but trouble.''
2) List quotes that show how the new house is described.
Bruno's father says ''Once the house is smartened up a bit it won't seem so bad.'' Whoever lived here in Out With ''Would have lost their job very quickly and didn't have time to make the nice for us.'' 
3) It was very hollow and he decided that he better not go jumping around this house too often or it might 
collapse around their ears. What is the significance of this quote?
Bruno is disappointed with the new house as it looks very dull, old and rickety and says that he better not going jumping round or it will collapse. 
4) What is Bruno's reaction to the new house?
He doesn't like the house at all and doesn't understand why they have moved there he states ''I don't like it here, I miss Karl and Daniel and Martin.'' 
5) How does it compare to their old house?
It is very boring compared to their old house as their old house always had places to explore despite they had lived there for 9 years is a bit smaller, (3 stories all together) there are no surrounding houses, no schools and it is very dull and looks very uninviting. 
6) How does Gretel relate to her father?
Gretel likes her father and listens to what he says and agrees with everything he says. This is shown when her father makes the rule of placing an out of bounds area in Gretel's room and when Bruno breaks this rule she questions him by saying ''What on earth are you doing, have you gone mad.?''
7) Does Bruno understand where they are there? What makes you believe this?
No Bruno doesn't understand why they are there as there is nothing to do there and no kids to play with which brings him to a conclusion that there is no point in moving house.
8) Does Gretel understand where they are? Explain.
She starts to get an idea why they are there when she looks out her window and see's a long way away the Jews walking around in what Bruno thinks is a farm. She then links this back to her father being a German soldier and maybe he is here to ''Look after the Jews.''
9) How is Bruno's description of 'Out-with' represent a motif? What is darkly ironic about this?Out With is the name of the house they are staying in. It sounds like Auschwitz which is the place their new house is and where they are living. This is also the place where the concentration camp is which is ironic as their house sounds like the name to the concentration camp. 
10) Read pgs 27-29. How are Bruno's and Gretel's reaction to 'the children' Bruno sees through the window different? What does this tell us about these two characters and their perception/understanding of where they are?
Bruno does not understand why those children are there and he just sees them as someone to play with. This would be a common understanding for a child of Bruno's age. Gretel is a couple years older than Bruno so she understands that those people are Jews and that they wont be allowed to play with them. Her understanding is evident by the description of her expression in the book.

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