Sunday, September 4, 2011

Holocaust Art ''It takes but one''

1) What visual techniques are employed in this painting?
The black gives us a sense of darkness and sadness and the red gives us the feeling of blood and a loss of life. All of the dots (heads) represent 
people who follow Hitler and gives us a sense of the power of one person. The symbol on the bottom left is a Jewish symbol which makes it evident that the hand reaching up is a Jews hand. There is also contrast between the black and red which represents the difference between the Nazi's and Jews.  

2) How do these visual techniques highlight major thematic elements of holocaust art and literature?

They make the picture really dramatic and portrays themes of depression and sadness. This holocaust artwork represents the differences of the Jews (red) and the Nazi's. (black) Also that the Nazi's are painted on top of the Jewish hand portraying they have more power over them this is an order of composition. 

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