Monday, May 16, 2011

Enders Game Notes First Chapter

The fact that the book was published in 1985 changes my perception of the book as it may reflect things that happened back then. These ideas in the book may have something to do with this time. It also gives us an insight of what people thought of science fiction 25 years ago. They have this perception of the web or internet and that did not exist back then and it does now. So this shows us how they think and what the future may have in stall for us. 

What would you expect:
Start: Orientation, main character, characterisation, setting and plot

What happens:
- Conversation (dialogue) unnamed people (characters
- Unknown third character
- Lots of gaps in detail
- Chosen one
- Saving the world

The Effect:
- Sparse information
- Draws reader suspense/mystery
- War/ enemy and important

(Words and sentences)
- Young adult
- ''Middle complication'' and sophistication

- ''I've'' (Contraction) - informal
- Simple language --> Soldiers = action
- Verbs (Active - Ran, hit, jump) (Inactive - Is and have)

3rd person narrator:
- Thoughts of Ender
- Two types of narrators
- Omniscient (Thoughts of all characters)
- Limited (Thoughts of 1 character)
- We know it is in 3rd person because of the speech marks

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