Sunday, March 6, 2011

Topics From Assessment

Becoming An Organ Donor - 

I think this would be a very good topic to talk about in my speech for 4 minutes. It would be a very interesting and worth while to research about. I think I good easily write a speech on this and easily make it persuadable to the class to become one. There is also a lot of information on many websites and inspiring stories that have come from people becoming organ donors.

Should euthanasia be legalized - 

This is a very personal topic and I will have to definitely have to research people's experiences and thoughts in this situation. I think it would be interesting to research about people's stories in this situation and how they have dealt with this and the impact on their life and the the life of others it has made.

Should violent & expletive song lyrics be censored - 

I think this is a very different topic from the others. It isn't as powerful as the two topics above but it effects the world. Little kid's listen to songs with swearing and video clips of songs with violence in them and this may effect their future actions or how they react to different situations. This topic wouldn't need much research and it isn't as interesting as the others.

1 comment:

  1. becoming an organ donor is probably the best one to do as you said you could speak about it for 4 minutes and has a lot of websites that have inspiring stories that have come from people becoming organ donors. and you said it is the most persuadable.
