- The love story between Guido and Dora
- It's from a Jews perspective
- The movie doesn't just jump into the holocaust part of the movie
- Joshua makes it very hard making Guido tell him the whole reason they are there is a game
- When Joshua doesn't want to take a shower because he is simply a child and has no reason not to want to. This is dramatic irony because we know that if he took the shower he would have been gassed
- It's symbolic that Dora wears red as she gives up her rich future for her love of Guido who is poor
- Guido isn't a very serious person but treats everyone with respect
- Close up shots that help us connect to the characters more
- The qualities the characters have to help us feel emotion for them
There are many ways that the characters in Life Is Beautiful represent an engaging unique presentation of the Holocaust experience. Some of these characteristics include the movie not just jumping to the holocaust and concentration camps, qualities the characters have so that we can feel emotion for them and the dramatic irony throughout the movie.
One of the reasons why this movie is so successful is because it has a story line and main characters before they get taken to the concentration camp. It shows us how these people lived so innocently like everyone else but were treated different because they were Jews. The whole movie is about a love story between Guido and Dora their love does not change for each other no matter where they are. Their love starts back at home and is carried to the concentration camp pushing the book and the story. This is one example of why it is good that the story didn't just start at the concentration camp but in their home Italy as this ads another plot to the movie making it more tense and interesting to watch.
Another way the characters in life is beautiful represent an engaging unique presentation of the Holocaust experience is by the qualities these characters have. Guido the main character has many qualities that make us feel emotion for what he's doing and what is happening to him. No matter where he is he is always happy, out going, funny, loving and caring. The whole time while he is in the concentration camp with his son he pretends it is all a game. He is also funny about what he says where ever he is. The qualities he has draw us closer to him as a character and make us feel sad when he is shot. Joshua is an innocent little boy who has know idea what is going on and why he is in the concentration camp. Because of his young age and innocence this helps us feel for this cute little boy. In doing this we are again drawn close to him as a character and don't want to see him be killed.
In the movie there are many scenes showing of dramatic irony. This is when we know more than that character so we know what is going to happen to them or what could have happened to them. An example is when Joshua and Guido are in the concentration camps and Guido is sent off for work. Later Joshua comes running up to Guido and Guido says what are you doing here. Joshua replies by saying they wanted us to take a shower and I didn't want one so I ran away. All the viewers know that they aren't really showers but are gas chambers and if Joshua went there he would have been killed. The reason why it is ironic is because we as viewers know this and that Joshua's innocence as a child simply not wanting to do something saved his life.
These are all three major ways that the characters in Life Is Beautiful represent an engaging unique presentation of the Holocaust experience.