1) Read à React
2) Hypothesis à Unpack the question/ prompt + react
3) Research (Examples in a book or text)
4) Stream of consciousness (Free flow writing) à Re read writing
(If all fails go back to No. 2)
5) Drafting à Organise thoughts/ ideas (Structure)
6) Editing/ Revision
Structuring An Essay:
W.I.F.M.à What's In It For Me
1) Grab Attention: So What?
- Relevant
1-2 Sentences
2) General discussion of topic
1-3 Sentences (Highlight the important aspects of book and focus upon)
Scifi Book à (Characters, technology)
1 Sentence
Body: Information
1) Topic sentence
- Mini Thesis
2) Examples from text (3-6 sentences)
- Introduce quote and give relevance to topic sentence
- Quotes
- Explain quote à Why is it important and link back to topic sentence/thesis
3) Transition
- Connects one paragraph to another
- Sum up
- Relate back to thesis
- Restate
W.I.F.M à Relevance....So What?
- Sum up
- Relate back to thesis
- Restate
W.I.F.M à Relevance....So What?